Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Suicide- The topic most people hate talking about. One minute you are all happy and whatnot, next you hanging from a bar. It's a hate crime against yourself. That is why it's illegal. Illegal? That is if you actually survive yourself! Those who attempt to kill themselves and live through it are likely to pull that trick again. Just because you hate yourself, doesn't mean you have to kill yourself. You set an example. Choose wisely what you do. In actions, In words.
It's illegal. That is the most moronic thing I have ever heard. "Oh, people wont do it if it's illegal."
Think again mr.billwriter! They wont care after they're dead! They just want to take the easy way out! The easy way! Why not try to prevent it. You spend all your money on environmental problems (not that there is anything wrong with that) that there is nothing left to help people. The thing that makes the world go round. It's called love. If you show just a little bit of love and care. Less suicides!
So, go ahead and kill yourself. Go show people that you are carefree. Go end your life. No one cares about you. No one cares if you are dead or alive. So, you might as well be dead!
You have no future on earth. You have nothing to accomplish, you haven't accomplished a thing in your life. Go shoot yourself because the world don't care!
That is what you are saying to yourself. You are making up the biggest lie I've ever heard! Everyone cares. The truth is, you don't care. You don't give a damn. All the future you could have had, is gone. All because you are selfish. Do you even know how many people need you in their lives? Apparently you like being selfish. Fun, right?
If you are having problems in you life, all I can say is talk to someone that you love, and pray that you get help about being selfish. I know for a fact that someone loves you.
So go ahead and kill yourself.